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Work with US!

Market Managers

Statement of Responsibility

Work with vendors, consumers, community partners and board of directors to support the mission & vision of LVHMC.

About the Job

Job Responsibilities • Assign vendor stalls for the Market season, using Manage My Market • Communicate weekly stall assignments to vendors - to include other important information regarding Market day activities • Reassign market spaces based on absences of vendors, and to accommodate seasonal absences and attendance of vendors • Arrive at Market prior to start to set up, including the Market Manager stall and any special equipment needed for that particular market day (covid signs, caution tape etc.) • Place road signs, feather flags & traffic cones in areas surrounding the market. Remove at end of market day • Be available to greet vendors, entertainers, and special event staff to help them find their market spaces, and address questions and minor issues • Enforce all producer-only, home-grown and market space requirements set out in the Terms of Agreement, communicating violations to the BOD • Enforce tent weight and attendance policies – at time of violation • Adjust the opening and closing hours of the markets for reasonable cause, such as impending dangerous weather conditions & low vendor attendance – communicate this information with BOD • Open and close the market with a bell or horn • Count customers in attendance at market on the hour and half-hour from beginning to end of the market and record for reporting • Enforce COVID rules within market – social distancing, no dogs, masks required • Report vendor attendance in Manage My Market by midnight of the Monday following the market • Report snap in Manage My Market by midnight of the Monday following the market • Post to LVHMC Social Media sites during market hours, as well as the days prior to the market to raise customer interest • Resolve minor vendor disputes on-site by mutual agreement of the parties involved; failing this, create incident report and present to grievance committee • Address customer questions and minor customer concerns on-site, and consult BOD regarding larger issues • End of Market day duties: Break down Market Manager stall, properly store and secure all Market equipment, make sure the Market site including vendor spaces is clean, ensure all trash/recycling is properly disposed of, and that all vendors have left the market. Address any issues as appropriate • Report alleged violations of the Terms of Agreement, in writing, to the BOD • Receive & respond to market related vendor correspondence • Act as liason between vendors & BOD • Convene brief meetings of the vendors as necessary • Access LVHMC emails and communications on a weekly basis • Participate in Market Manager meetings • Submit a written monthly report one week prior to the scheduled Board of Director’s meeting, outlining accomplishments and successes, challenges, plans, equipment and supply needs, trends, important suggestions received from vendors and customers that call for Board input • Attend monthly Board of Director meetings • Additional duties as assigned

Payment and Billing Terms • $20/hr • Independent contractor (1099) • 10 hrs per week • Statement of hours reported to President and Treasurer by last day of the month for approval • Reports to BOD President or designated Board member (Human Resources Team)

Responsibilities of Each Party • It is the responsibility of the market manager to implement all job responsibilities to the best of their ability and to notify the BOD of any discrepancies or concerns in fulfilling job responsibilities in a timely manner • It is the responsibility of the market manager to submit their timesheet to the President and Treasurer by the last day of each month • It is the responsibility of the market manager to submit expense reports and receipts to the Treasurer for reimbursements • It is the responsibility of the BOD to support the market manager in their duties, to provide timely and constructive feedback regarding job performance to include quarterly reviews and (one) annual and contract renewal in January of each year

Project Timeline and Deadlines • Report snap and vendor attendance by Monday following market weekend

Termination Conditions • If at any time the contractor wishes to terminate their employment, they will give thirty (30) days written notice to the BOD • The LVHMC BOD may terminate at any time and for any reason at their discretion • Upon termination employee agrees to immediately relinquish to the BOD any technical or physical property belonging to LVHMC


Any employee or contractor of LVHMC shall hold confidential information in strict confidence and agree that it shall be used only for the purposes required to fulfill employment obligations, and shall not be used for any other purpose, or disclosed to any third party. All confidential information or property shall be returned or kept private upon termination of employment contract.


Our mission is to promote local, sustainable and organic agriculture, increase economic opportunities for farmers and small food businesses, to offer experiential learning about and access to healthy local foods, and to build a vibrant gathering place for residents and visitors.

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PO Box 3238
Leesburg, VA 20177


© 2024 Created by Erin at LVHMC 

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